How to use

Use the data-jsonp attribute on <pre> elements, like so:


Don't specify the callback query parameter in the URL; this will be added automatically. If the API expects a different callback parameter name however, use the data-callback parameter to specify the name:

<pre class="…" data-jsonp="…" data-callback="cb"></pre>

The next trick is of course actually extracting something from the JSONP response worth highlighting, which means processing the response to extract the interesting data.

The following JSONP APIs are automatically detected and parsed:

If you need to do your own parsing, you can hook your your own data adapters in two ways:

  1. Supply the data-adapter parameter on the <pre> element. This must be the name of a globally defined function. The plugin will use only this adapter to parse the response.
  2. Register your adapter function by calling Prism.plugins.jsonphighlight.registerAdapter(function(rsp) { … }). It will be added to the list of inbuilt adapters and used if no other registered adapter (e.g. GitHub/Bitbucket) can parse the response.

In either case, the function must accept at least a single parameter (the JSONP response) and returns a string of the content to highlight. If your adapter cannot parse the response, you must return null. The DOM node that will contain the highlighted code will also be passed in as the second argument, incase you need to use it to query any extra information (maybe you wish to inspect the class or data-jsonp attributes to assist in parsing the response).

The following example demonstrates both methods of using a custom adapter, to simply return the stringified JSONP response (i.e highlight the entire JSONP data):

<!-- perhaps this is in a .js file elsewhere -->
	function dump_json(rsp) {
		return "using dump_json: " + JSON.stringify(rsp,null,2);

<!-- … include prism.js … -->
	Prism.plugins.jsonphighlight.registerAdapter(function(rsp) {
		return "using registerAdapter: " + JSON.stringify(rsp,null,2);

And later in your HTML:

<!-- using the data-adapter attribute -->
<pre class="language-javascript" data-jsonp="…" data-adapter="dump_json"></pre>

<!-- using whatever data adapters are available -->
<pre class="language-javascript" data-jsonp="…"></pre>

Finally, unlike like the File Highlight plugin, you do need to supply the appropriate class with the language to highlight. This could have been auto-detected, but since you're not actually linking to a file it's not always possible (see below in the example using GitHub status). Furthermore, if you're linking to files with a .xaml extension for example, this plugin then needs to somehow map that to highlight as markup, which just means more bloat. You know what you're trying to highlight, just say so :)

Caveat for Gists

There's a bit of a catch with gists, as they can actually contain multiple files. There are two options to handle this:

  1. If your gist only contains one file, you don't need to to anything; the one and only file will automatically be chosen and highlighted
  2. If your file contains multiple files, the first one will be chosen by default. However, you can supply the filename in the data-filename attribute, and this file will be highlighted instead:
    <pre class="…" data-jsonp="…" data-filename="mydemo.js"></pre>


The plugin’s JS code (from GitHub):


GitHub Gist (gist contains a single file, automatically selected):


GitHub Gist (gist contains a multiple files, file to load specified):


Bitbucket API:


Custom adapter (JSON.stringify showing the GitHub REST API for Prism's repository):


Registered adapter (as above, but without explicitly declaring the data-adapter attribute):